Bahía Asunción Plants F-M

Here you will find more of the plants we saw on our trip to Bahía Asunción, April 29 - May 3, 2010. You can also see photos of the areas we visited on this page. Or return to the Bahía Asunción main page.

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Plants are listed A-Z by family, then A-Z by species. Common names in English and Spanish are noted if available.

Families: A-B | C-E | F-M | N-Z

Fabaceae (Legume/Pea Family)

Astragalus magdalena

Astragalus magdalenae var. magdalenae. Dune Milkvetch, Garbancillo. A peninsular endemic of mostly sandy areas.


Caesalpinia gilliesii

Caesalpinia gilliesii. Mexican Bird of Pardise, Ave del paraíso. Introduced ornamental shrub.

Errazurizia benthamii

Errazurizia benthamii. Low shrub with lots of glands and spines.

Lotus hamatus

Lotus hamatus (?). Photo © 2010 D. & J. Trotter

Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana

Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana. Mesquite, Mezquite.


Astragalus magdalena
Astragalus magdalenae var. magdalenae.
Dune Milkvetch, Garbancillo.
Beautiful flowers and cool fruit.

Calliandra californica

Calliandra californica. Fairy duster, Tabardillo. Unarmed shrub.

Errazurizia benthamii

Errazurizia benthamii. Plants were all fruiting.

Lotus sp.

Lupinus sp. Lupine, Lupino, Garbancillo. A very small specimen.

Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana

Prosopis glandulosa. var. torreyana. Mesquite, Mezquite.

Fouquieriaceae (Torchwood Family)

Fouquieria diguetii

Fouquieria diguetii. Tree ocotillo, Palo Adán. Spiny shrub, often leafless.

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Frankeniaceae (Frankenia Family)

Frankenia palmeri

Frankenia palmeri. Palmer's Frankenia, Yerba reuma. A low, rounded, gray-green shrub.

Frankenia palmeri

Frankenia palmeri. Palmer's Frankenia, Yerba reuma. Tiny flowers.

Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family)

Nama species

Purplemat. Nama sp. (undescribed). Shrub with flowers less than 1/4" diam.



Loasaceae (Loasa Family)

Mentzelia adhaerens

Mentzelia adhaerens. Blazing star, Pegarropa. Showy, annual, velcro-like plant.

Petalonyx linearis

Petalonyx linearis. Sandpaper plant. Perennial.

Malvaceae (Mallow Family)

Sphaeralcea ambigua
Sphaeralcea ambigua. Globemallow,
Mal de Ojo. Annual/perennial herb

Families: A-B | C-E | F-M | N-Z
