Bahía Asunción Plants N-Z

Here you will find more of the plants we saw on our trip to Bahía Asunción, April 29 - May 3, 2010. You can also see photos of the areas we visited on this page. Or return to the Bahía Asunción main page.

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Plants are listed A-Z by family, then A-Z by species. Common names in English and Spanish are noted if available.

Families: A-B | C-E | F-M | N-Z

Nyctaginaceae(4 O'Clock Family)

Mirabilis laevis

Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia. Wishbone plant, Yerba del empacho. Shrub with whitish or pink flowers.

Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia

Wishbone plant, Yerba del empacho. Leaves are thick and fleshy
(= crassifolia).

Onagraceae (Evening-PrimroseFamily)

Camissonia angelorum

Camissonia angelorum. Evening primrose. There are several different species in the Vizcaíno.

Camissonia angelorum

Camissonia angelorum. Evening primrose. Flower and contorted fruit (left, center).

Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family)

Plantago ovata

Plantago ovata. Plantain or Desert Indianwheat.

Antirrhinum watsonii

Antirrhinum watsonii. Snapdragon. A delicate, annual herb.

Plantago ovata

Plantago ovata. In some places, there were hundreds of these tiny plants that were almost invisible. Running a hand along a few inches above the ground would reveal the true coverage of this plant. Photo: © 2010 D. & J. Trotter.

Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)

Eriogonum pondii

Eriogonum pondii. Buckwheat. A low, woody shrub.

Eriogonum pondii

Eriogonum pondii. Flowers. Photo: © 2010 D. & J. Trotter.

Resedaceae (Reseda Family)

Oligomeris linifolia
Oligomeris linifolia. Lineleaf whitepuff.
Fleshy annual, mostly in saline soils.


Simmondsiaceae (Goatnut Family)

Simmondsia chinensis

Simmondsia chinensis. Jojoba. Shrub with leathery, opposite leaves.

Simmondsia chinensis

Simmondsia chinensis. Jojoba. Young fruit.

Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)

Lycium species

Lycium sp. Boxthorn, Frutilla. Thorny shrub with edible, red berries.

Solanum hindsianum

Solanum hindsianum. Solanum, Mariola. Shrub.

Physalis crassifolia

Physalis crassifolia. Yellow groundcherry, Tomatillo. Annual herb.

Zygophyllaceae (Caltrop Family)

Fagonia laevis

Fagonia laevis. California Fagonbush. A prickly perennial.

Larrea tridentata

Larrea tridentata. Creosote bush, Gobernadora. Shrub with resinous, leathery leaves.

Fagonia laevis

Fagonia laevis. California Fagonbush. This was a particularly small plant, but plants can reach several feet in diameter.

Larrea tridentata

Larrea tridentata. Creosote bush, Gobernadora. Flowers, fuzzy fruit.

Families: A-B | C-E | F-M | N-Z
