1. *
Along this stretch at the bottom of the hill and as the trail begins to climb are primarily Creosote Bushes (Larrea tridentata), known locally as Gobernadora.
On the hill above the caliche cliff face: Old-man Cactus (Lophocereus schottii), Torote Colorado (Bursera microphylla), Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana), Maguey (Agave cerulata var. subcerulata), Palo Adán or Tree Ocotillo (Fouquieria diguetii), Limberbush (Jatropha cuneata) and Creosote Bush. Along the trail: Brittlebush or Incienso (Encelia farinosa), Limberbush, Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus peninsulae), Pitaya Agria (Stenocereus gummosus), and Creosote Bush.
At the top of the climb, facing the talus slopes of Cerro Tepeyac, look in the foreground for Cholla Barbuda (Cylindropuntia alcahes), Casa Rata (Grusonia invicta) and Ruellia (Ruellia californica). In the mid distance, look for Cardón (Pachycereus pringlei), Torote Colorado, Limberbush, and Mesquite. Farther up the hill are Organpipe cactus (Stenocereus thurberi), Cardón, Torote Colorado, Cholla Barbuda and Limberbush. Also nearby the marker are Ragweed (Ambrosia bryantii), Euphorbia tomentulosa, Rock Hibiscus (Hibiscus denudatus), Fishhook cactus (Mammillaria dioica), Casa Rata, and Creosote Bush.
Looking back down the trail from caliche cut
View of San Ignacio from caliche cut
Approaching top of trail across a lava flow
View of San Ignacio from top of trail
Top of the climb, across lava flow
Flat hill on left is the western section of Mesa Rincón
(Malpaisal and Arrecife
trails. The Mission is the white building near horizon towards right side.)
Look on the uphill edge of the trail for a Cardón, Torote Colorado and Palo Adán in a close embrace, with Organpipe cactus and Cholla Barbuda nearby. On the opposite side of the trail is Desert Ironwood (Olneya tesota), Casa Rata, Hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus brandegeei), Palo Adán and Brittlebush. While continuing along the trail, look on the uphill side of the trail in the talus for Torote Colorado and Cardón. Higher up the slope are a few large Palo Verde trees (Parkinsonia microphylla).
Just before the junction on the uphill side is a Cardón and Mesquite. Right near the rock cairn is a Pitaya Agria. And on the up side of the trail junction opposite the cairn is Palo Adán, Torote Colorado, and Cholla Barbuda. On the down side of the trail junction is a Pitaya Agria and a small Mesquite.

To right of previous photo, view of Cerro Tepayac

From Marker 4, the trail ahead towards south

Looking back along trail toward Marker 4

An imperfect panorama, starting with photo to left

Looking back, but nearing Vista del Cañon junction

and continuing to here, looking uphill from trail.
Trail and Plant Guide:
Mesa del Rincón
San Ignacio, BCS
TRAILS: El Camino Real | La Vista al Cañon | La Virgen de Guadalupe | Los Corralitos | El Atajo | El Malpaisal | El Arrecife | Trail Map |
Plants by Trail Marker |
Vista del Cañon (follow photos left to right along the trail) |