Northern Baja Plants A

Here you will find photos of the plants we saw on our trip between Laguna Chapala and El Rosario, May 5-8, 2010. You can also see photos of the areas we visited on this page.

Plants are listed A-Z by family, then A-Z by species. Common names in English and Spanish are noted if available

Click on any photo for a larger image.

Families: A | B-G | L-S

Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Centaurea melitensis, Maltese Star Thistle

Centaurea melitensis. Maltese star thistle, Tocalote. A non-native, invasive weed along the roadside or in other disturbed soils, extending from at least Guerrero Negro to the north.

Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia

Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia. Pebble pincushion. This is a thready plant, easily overlooked against the background of a gravelly desert floor.

lasthenia gracilis

Lasthenia gracilis, Goldfields. This is probably the principal species carpeting vast areas of the desert.

Layia platyglossa var. campestris, Tidytips

Layia platyglossa var. campestris, Tidytips.

Malacothrix coulteri

Malacothrix coulteri, Snake's head. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the flower blooming, which looks a little like a white dandelion with a yellow center. Calflora image.

Porophyllum gracile, Odoro

Porophyllum gracile. Slender porelead or Odora, Manzanilla. Miles of this small, rounded shrub lining highway.

Rafinesquia neomexicana

Rafinesquia neomexicana, Desert chicory.


Flowers of Centaurea melitensis, Maltese Star thistle

Centaurea melitensis. It may be a weed, but the flowers are pretty.

Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia

Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia. Pebble pincushion.

Layia platyglossa var. campestris, Tidytips

Layia platyglossa var. campestris, Tidytips. This was another species adding color to the desert floor. When the flowers began to fade, the white rays curled up and turned pink. Pictured here with Goldfields and other annual wildflowers.

Layia platyglossa var. campestris, Tidytips

Layia platyglossa var. campestris.

Uropappus lindleyi, Silver puffs

Uropappus lindleyi, silver puffs, Uropappus. Another one where we didn't see the flower, which also is reminiscent of a dandelion. Calflora image.

Porophyllum gracile

Porophyllum gracile. This is a beautiful plant, but it has a very pungent odor, some like it, others don't.

Rafinesquia neomexicana

Rafinesquia neomexicana.

Families: A | B-G | L-S
